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OG - 1983-1984

OG (Olympics)
League Information and Facts

1983-1984 Standings

No Data Found
1910 - 1920
  1. 19/20
1920 - 1930
  1. 23/24
  2. 27/28
1930 - 1940
  1. 31/32
  2. 35/36
1940 - 1950
  1. 47/48
1950 - 1960
  1. 51/52
  2. 55/56
  3. 59/60
1960 - 1970
  1. 63/64
  2. 67/68
1970 - 1980
  1. 71/72
  2. 75/76
  3. 79/80
1980 - 1990
  1. 83/84
  2. 87/88
1990 - 2000
  1. 91/92
  2. 93/94
  3. 97/98
2000 - 2010
  1. 01/02
  2. 05/06
  3. 09/10
2010 - 2020
  1. 13/14
  2. 17/18
2020 - 2030
  1. 21/22