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NCAA III (W) - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA III (W) - 2005-2006
Amherst College
Renee Sisti
Meghan Dickoff
Amanda Mattei
Augsburg Univ.
Calla Lundquist
Britt Pennington
Bethel Univ.
Heidi Govednik
Elicia Adams
Anne Gilbertson
Bowdoin College
Kelsey Wilcox
Rebecca Selden
Buffalo State Univ.
Castleton Univ.
Halley Grabarz
Kate Coniglio
Chatham Univ.
Colby College
College of Saint Benedict
Lisa Bush
Stephanie Gassert
College of the Holy Cross
Kate Remsberg
Sarah Wethebee
Kolt Bloxson
Concordia College
Ceara Bergsrud
Connecticut College
Suzie Connor
Laura Gosnell
Mallory Littman
Elmira College
Finlandia Univ.
Sara Sleik
Danielle Syrowik
Bree Cote
Gustavus Adolphus College
Andrea Peterson
Abby Randall
Hamilton College
Jane Bradley
Zoe Baldwin
Emma Dunn
Hamline Univ.
Rachael Young
Lake Forest College
Manhattanville College
Ashley Trimble
Jessica Temesy
Jami Grasby
Jesse Garner
Middlebury College
Emily Quizon
Kate Kogut
MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech)
Mary Harding
Becky Romatoski
Neumann Univ.
Lindsay Parsons
Carolyn Fauteux
Lauren Voran
New England College
Caitlin Jordan
Jennifer Gonzales
Mallory Berman
RIT (Rochester IOT)
Saint Anselm College
Danielle Campbell
Emily Lapworth
Saint Mary's Univ.
Melissa Mondo
Laura Mueller
Val Rodriguez
Salve Regina Univ.
Aimee Provencher
Shannon Ryan
St. Catherine Univ.
Angela M. Johnson
Laurel Volenec
Morgan Kane
St. Michael's College
Melissa Gagne
Michelle Miaskiewicz
Annice Mason
St. Olaf College
Janie Byrd
Dani Blanchard
Cailin O'Hara
Trinity College
Jessica Keeley
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
Lou Paulson
U. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Molly Norton
Kristin Wilson
Amanda Boucher
Univ. of Southern Maine
Jen Arno
Caitlin Cashman
Jennifer Cordone
Jessica Broccoli
Univ. of St. Thomas
Sue Heinmiller
Becky Kilpatrick
Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior
Erin Kegley
Nadine Aubin
Vi Theofylatos
Tara Evoy
Utica Univ.
Stephanie Price
Kelli Vossler
Wesleyan Univ.
Jessica Pearce
Jenna Bonczewski
Emily Titterton
Williams College