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NCAA III (W) - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA III (W) - 2004-2005
Amherst College
Amanda Mattei
Sarah Mason
Augsburg Univ.
Lauren Chezick
Melynda Kleewein
Corrie Krzyska
Kristin Johnson
Bethel Univ.
Bowdoin College
Marissa O'Neil
Cathie Quinlan
Rebecca Selden
Buffalo State Univ.
Amanda Uschold
Jennifer Trees
Castleton Univ.
Halley Grabarz
Jen Sheldon
Erin Butterly
Chatham Univ.
Colby College
Heather DeVito
Michele Barmash
Meghan Barringer
College of Saint Benedict
Amy Glaeser
Lisa Bush
College of the Holy Cross
Meghan Mahoney
Kate Remsberg
Molly Corkery
Concordia College
Lindsay Czarnecki
Sam Gunning
Jamie Savage
Connecticut College
Laura Gosnell
Suzie Connor
Mallory Littman
Elmira College
Laura Hurd
Shannon Sargent
LeAnne Denman
Julie Clune
Finlandia Univ.
Becky Beauchamp
Gustavus Adolphus College
Laura Stypulkowski
Abby Randall
Leah Erickson
Hamilton College
Zoe Baldwin
Marissa Halligan
Coleen MacNally
Hamline Univ.
Emily Gross
Rachael Young
Regina Voracek
Lake Forest College
Manhattanville College
Jennifer Mulick
Ashley Trimble
Kim Hayden
Middlebury College
MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech)
Cara Toretta
Betty Zheng
Regina Sullivan
Neumann Univ.
Lindsay Parsons
Brie Ward
Melissa Pacitti
New England College
Megan Tepper
Mallory Berman
RIT (Rochester IOT)
RPI (Rensselaer Poly In.)
Allie Cooper
Sondra Sherman
Saint Anselm College
Danielle Campbell
Emily Lapworth
Saint Mary's Univ.
Salve Regina Univ.
Meaghen Toland
Courtney Caulfield
Shannon Ryan
St. Catherine Univ.
St. Michael's College
Holly Brandl
Meg Lyons
Marcy Ring
St. Olaf College
MaryAnn Knott
Brooke Bazinet
Lindsay Davies
Jennifer Clarke
Erin O'Brien
Elizabeth Gibson
Melissa Miceli
Trinity College
Jessica Keeley
Michelle O'Neil
Libby Jakes
U. of Wisconsin-River Falls
U. of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Molly Norton
Katelyn Averill
Amanda Boucher
Univ. of Southern Maine
Audra Hill
Molly Zogby
Univ. of St. Thomas
Melanie Drake
Tedra Mitchell
Rachel Reinhardt
Univ. of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior
Erin Kegley
Nadine Aubin
Utica Univ.
Katie Juliano
Stephanie Price
Sarah Detwiler
Wesleyan Univ.
Anna Siliciano
Meghan Frederico
Frances Jacobus-Parker
Williams College
Liz Hodgman
Wendy Stone