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Jayden Weiner Facts
- Date of BirthOct 08, 2008
- Age16
- Place of BirthCA, USA
- Nation
- Youth TeamAnaheim Jr. Ice Dogs
- PositionD
- Height167 cm / 5'6"
- Weight59 kg / 130 lbs
- ShootsL
- Contract-
Jayden Weiner Statistics
Regular Season + Postseason
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Jayden Weiner Tournament Statistics
Regular Season + Postseason
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Jayden Weiner Career Totals
Regular Season + Postseason
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- Breakout Bank Pass for Breakaway
- 2v1 Takeaway
- Anticipate and Physical Play
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Jayden Weiner Connections
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Player Q&A
In 2 words, how would you describe your game?
Compete and VisionIn one sentence, how would your coach describe you?
Most competitive, hardest working player in his age group, a leader on and off the iceIf the best player on your team described your talents, what would be number 1 & 2?
Compete level and skating mobility
Fitness Results
- Body Size
- Wingspan- cm | - in
- Height162.56 cm | 64 in
- Weight53.52 kg | 118 lbs
- Body Composition
- Body Fat %- %
- BMI- kg/m2
- Flexibility
- Sit and Reach- cm | - in
- Strength/Power
- Vertical Jump- cm | - in
- Sit Up- per 60sec
- Pushup- times
- Bench Press- times
- Pullup- times
- Speed
- 40 yard dash- sec
- 10 yard dash- sec
- Anaerobic Power
- Wingate 30 second (bike)- PPO
- Agility
- Hexagon Test- sec
- Shuttle Cross Pick-Up- sec
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