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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1979-1980
Air Force Academy
Boston College
Steve Barger
Mike Ewanouski
Brian Burns
Boston Univ.
Tony Meagher
Bowling Green State Univ.
Steve Dawe
Mike Cotter
Bridgewater State Univ.
Brown Univ.
Clarkson Univ.
Craig Laughlin
Dan Makuch
Bryan Cleaver
Colgate Univ.
Denis Lapensée
Dan Fridgen
Chris Renaud
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
Brock Tredway
Doug Berk
Steve Hennessy
Dartmouth College
Ross Brownridge
Dennis Murphy
Ferris State Univ.
Jim Baker
George Harrison
Ed Turner
Harvard Univ.
Graham Carter
John Hynes
Lake Superior State Univ.
Jamie McDonald
Miami Univ. (Ohio)
Paul Kinney
John Malloy
Pete Shipman
Michigan State Univ.
Russell Welch
Ted Huesing
Michigan Tech
Northeastern Univ.
Wayne Turner
Dave Archambault
Northern Michigan Univ.
Walt Kyle
Tom Laidlaw
Steve Weeks
Ohio State Univ.
Mike Conrad
Princeton Univ.
Andrew Forbes
Peter Delorey
Providence College
Jeff Whisler
RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
Larry Landon
Steve Stoyanovich
St. Lawrence Univ.
Dan Walenty
Paul Flanagan
Tom Touzel
Univ. of Denver
Vince Magnan
Mark Davidson
Univ. of Illinois-Chicago
Univ. of Maine
Bill Demianiuk
Univ. of Michigan
Doug Todd
Univ. of Minnesota
Don Micheletti
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Stan Palmer
Glenn Kulyk
Keith Hendrickson
Univ. of New Hampshire
Bob Francis
Univ. of North Dakota
Mark Taylor
Marc Chorney
Erwin Martens
Univ. of Notre Dame
Greg Meredith
Tom Michalek
Univ. of Vermont
Jim Murphy
Univ. of Wisconsin
Ron Griffin
US International Univ.
Western Michigan Univ.
Dan Stothers
Ralph Murphy
Jim Olson
Yale Univ.
Gary Lawrence