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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1976-1977
Air Force Academy
Doug Leibbrand
Boston College
Bob Ferriter
Boston Univ.
Rick Meagher
Mike Eruzione
Bowling Green State Univ.
Dave Easton
Byron Shutt
Tom Thomas
Brown Univ.
Clarkson Univ.
Dave Taylor
Bob Shaw
Colgate Univ.
Bill Davis
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
Mark Trivett
Fred Tomczyk
James Vaughan
Dartmouth College
Brian McCloskey
Ronnie Dove
Harvard Univ.
William Horton
Lake Superior State Univ.
Steve Davies
Ric Thomson
Mike Gaba
Michigan State Univ.
David Kelly
Michigan Tech
Northeastern Univ.
Mike Holmes
Northern Michigan Univ.
Ed Dobbs
Dann McKeraghan
Tom Laidlaw
Ohio State Univ.
Bill Davidge
Princeton Univ.
William Tresham
Providence College
Ron Wilson
Brian Burke
RPI (Rensselaer Polytech. Inst.)
Dino Serra
Dave Jack
St. Lawrence Univ.
Kevin Campbell
Dan Weir
Paul Gallagher
Ron Harris
St. Louis Univ.
Univ. of Denver
David Robinson
Univ. of Michigan
Kris Manery
Univ. of Minnesota
Joe Micheletti
Tom Vannelli
Reed Larson
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Rick Heinz
Craig Arvidson
Monty Jones
Univ. of New Hampshire
Barry Edgar
Univ. of North Dakota
Bob DePiero
Roger Lamoureux
Tom Goddard
Univ. of Notre Dame
Brian Walsh
Jack Brownschidle
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Bruce Carrick
Jamie Hodge
Univ. of Vermont
Tom McNamara
Univ. of Wisconsin
Mike Eaves
Steve Alley
John Taft
Western Michigan Univ.
Tim Dunlop
Skip Howey
Phil Eve
Yale Univ.
Michael Thomas