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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1939-1940
Boston College
Ralph Dougherty
Boston Univ.
Edward Richardson
Joe Conaty
Clarkson Univ.
Colgate Univ.
Stephen Dewey
Harry Wheeler
Colorado College
Cornell Univ.
Raymond McElwee
Dartmouth College
Daniel Sullivan
Gonzaga Univ.
Harvard Univ.
William Coleman
Northeastern Univ.
Gerald Griffin
Princeton Univ.
Richard Purnell
St. Cloud State Univ.
St. Lawrence Univ.
Gerry Grace
Union College
C. Foster Brown
Univ. of Alaska-Fairbanks
Gordon Picotte
Univ. of California-Berkeley
Univ. of Illinois
Univ. of Michigan
Eldon James
Univ. of Minnesota
Frank St. Vincent
John Mariucci
Univ. of New Hampshire
Warren Davison
Yale Univ.
Frederick Burr