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NCAA - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NCAA - 1924-1925
Boston College
Jack Culhane
Boston Univ.
Morris Kontoff
Clarkson Univ.
Everett Ginn
Cornell Univ.
Charles Stainton
Dartmouth College
Douglas Everett
Harvard Univ.
Edward Beals
Michigan State Univ.
George Delisle
Princeton Univ.
Edmund Stout Jr.
Union College
Bruce Mulqueen
Univ. of Massachusetts
John Crosby
Univ. of Michigan
Daniel Petermann
Univ. of Minnesota
Victor Mann
Fritz Schade
Univ. of New Hampshire
William Sayward
Univ. of Notre Dame
Franklin McSorley
Yale Univ.
George Jenkins