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NAPHL 18U - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NAPHL 18U - 2019-2020
95 Giants 18U AAA
Affton Americans 18U AA
Anaheim Jr. Ducks 18U AA
Arizona Bobcats 18U AAA
Arizona Hockey Union 18U AA
Biggby Coffee AAA Hockey 18U
Sutter Muzzatti
Calgary IHA U17 Prep
Calgary IHA U18 Prep
CarShield AAA 18U
Chesterfield Falcons 18U AA
Chicago Bruins 18U AA
Chicago Hawks 18U AA
Chicago Sabres 18U AA
Clearwater Ice Storm 18U AA
Colorado Springs Tigers 18U AAA
Compuware 18U AAA
Connor MacDonell
Dallas Penguins 18U AA
East Coast Spartans 18U AAA
Everett Jr. Silvertips 18U AAA
Fernie Academy Fury U18 AAA
Florida Alliance North 18U AAA
Fountain Valley 18U AAA
Geneva Cyclones 18U AA
Green Bay Bobcats 18U AA
Highland Park Falcons 18U AA
Hyland Hills Jaguars 18U AA
IHA Florida 18U AAA
Illinois HS Showcase 18U
Indiana Elite 18U AAA
Janesville Jr. Jets 18U AA
Littleton Hawks 18U AA
Madison Capitols 18U AAA
McKinney North Stars 18U AA
Minnesota Magicians 18U AAA
Minnesota Magicians O 18U AAA
Minnesota Wilderness 18U AAA
Mission AZ Ice 18U AA
MN Green Giants 18U AA
MN Grey Ducks 18U AA
MN Lakers 18U AA
MN Loons 18U AA
MN Moose 18U AA
MN Muskies 18U AA
MN Voyageurs 18U AA
Nashville Jr. Predators 18U AAA
New Jersey 87's 18U AAA
New Jersey Jr. Titans 18U AAA
New Jersey Jr. Titans 18U Show 1