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NAPHL 16U - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
NAPHL 16U - 2014-2015
Anaheim Jr. Ducks 16U AAA
Paul Selleck
Jack Gates
Chad Sasaki
Arizona Bobcats 16U AAA
Biggby Coffee AAA Hockey 16U
California Titans 16U AAA
CarShield AAA 16U
Everett Jr. Silvertips 16U AAA
HC Dallas 16U AAA
HCF Arctic Lions 16U AA
Lansing Capitals 16U AAA
Madison Capitols 16U AAA
New Jersey Jr. Titans 16U AAA
Omaha AAA Lancers 16U
Bryan Yoon
Pikes Peak Miners 16U AAA
Noah Kiemel
Pittsburgh Stars 16U AAA
Pursuit of Excellence U16 AAA
San Jose Jr. Sharks 16U AAA