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EJEPL 16U - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
EJEPL 16U - 2020-2021
Ashburn Xtreme 16U AA
Ashburn Xtreme 16U AA 2
Ashburn Xtreme 16U AA 3
Bayonne Rangers 16U AA
Delaware Ducks 16U AA
Delco Phantoms 16U AA
Hollydell Hurricanes 16U AA
Hollydell Hurricanes 16U AA 2
Howard Huskies 16U AA
Howard Huskies 16U AA 2
Howard Huskies 16UA AA
Igloo Jaguars 16U AA
Igloo Jaguars 16UF AA
Jersey Shore Wildcats 16U AA
Long Island Arrows 16U AA
Long Island Edge 16U A
Long Island Edge 16U AA
Long Island Mustangs 16U AA
Long Island Royals 16U AAA
Long Island Sharks 16U A
Long Island Sharks 16U AA
Mid-Hudson Polar Bears 16U AA
Montgomery Ice Devils 16U AA
Montgomery Ice Devils 16U AA 2
Nassau County Lions 16U AA
New Jersey Rockets 16U A
New Jersey Rockets 16U AA
New Jersey Rockets 16U AA 2
New Jersey Stars 16U AA
New York Apple Core 16U AA
New York Stars 16U AA
PAL Rinx Hockey 16U
Palmyra Black Knights 16U AA
Philadelphia Blazers 16U AA
Philadelphia Blazers 16U AA 2
Red Bank Generals 16U AA
Richmond Generals 16U AA
Rogue Warriors 16U AA
Skylands Kings 16U AA
Southern Maryland Sabres 16U A
Team Philadelphia 16U A Black
Team Philadelphia 16U AA
Tomorrow's Ice 16U AA
Woodbridge Wolfpack 16U AA
Woodbridge Wolfpack 16U AA 2