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CIS (W) - Team Captaincy
CIS (W) (USports)
League Information and Facts
USports (W) - 2014-2015
Brock Univ.
Carleton Univ.
Concordia Univ.
Dalhousie Univ.
Laurentian Univ.
Julie Hébert
Maggie Brennan
McGill Univ.
Mount Allison Univ.
Mount Royal Univ.
Nipissing Univ.
Alexis Contratto
Ontario Tech Univ.
Queen's Univ.
Saint Mary's Univ.
St. Francis Xavier Univ.
Alexa Normore
St. Thomas Univ.
Toronto Metro Univ.
Univ. of Alberta
Univ. of British Columbia
Univ. of Calgary
Iya Gavrilova
Univ. of Guelph
Univ. of Lethbridge
Univ. of Manitoba
Maggie Litchfield Medd
Univ. of Moncton
Univ. of Montréal
Univ. of Ottawa
Vickie Lemire
Asha Kauffeldt
Carling Chown
Janie Paquette
Geneviève Legault
Univ. of PEI
Univ. of Regina
Univ. of Saskatchewan
Univ. of Toronto
Univ. of Waterloo
Kaitlyn McDonnell
Univ. of Western Ontario
Katelyn Gosling
Casey Rosen
Univ. of Windsor
Kayla Dodson
Jenny MacKnight
Candace Kourounis
Wilfrid Laurier Univ.
York Univ.
Elisabeth Stathopulos
Lindsay Brook