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ACHA D2 (W) - Team Captaincy
League Information and Facts
ACHA D2 (W) - 2018-2019
Adrian College
Assiniboine Comm. College
Bentley Univ.
Bishop's Univ.
Boston College
Boston Univ.
Central Michigan Univ.
Columbia Univ.
Iowa State Univ.
Lakehead Univ.
Liberty Univ.
Catharine Burrell
Loyola Univ. - Chicago
Loyola Univ. - Maryland
Mercyhurst Univ.
Merrimack College
Michigan State Univ.
Minot State Univ.
Montclair State Univ.
Navy (US Naval Academy)
North Dakota State Univ.
Northeastern Univ.
Northern Michigan Univ.
Ohio State Univ.
PennWest California
Rainy River Comm. College
RIT (Rochester IOT)
Rowan Univ.
Saint Anselm College
Towson Univ.
Union College
Univ. of Buffalo
Univ. of Connecticut
Univ. of Delaware
Carlie Smythe
Mary Claire Newtown
Kendall Smythe
Univ. of Maryland
Univ. of Minnesota-Duluth
Univ. of Nebraska
Univ. of New Hampshire
Univ. of Notre Dame
Univ. of Pennsylvania
Univ. of Pittsburgh
Univ. of Vermont
Univ. of Wisc.-Eau Claire
Univ. of Wisconsin-La Crosse
Villanova Univ.
West Chester Univ.
Westfield State Univ.